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Boardroom Dominatrix Training:

How to Use Sex and Power to Increase Sales

Let’s be clear, I don’t mean sex as in sexuality and being a sex kitten, or a Romeo, while on the job. I mean sex as in gender. There are basic differences between men and women, in their brains, and in their buying styles. If you know the differences, you can use them to your advantage. In this workshop, we explore the globally changing gender dynamic and how to respect each prospect along the way while walking them through your sales cycle: using sex and power to your advantage.

Turning the nuances of the BDSM lifestyle into practical advice for succeeding in the workplace and increasing sales is easier than you think. The first time I used my Boardroom Dominatrix title in a meeting, no one commented: not the male President or the female Director of Marketing, or any of 4 others in the room. No one. I reasoned it was already a given I had established, and the verbal label brought nothing more to the table.

Its formulaic-style aside, E.L. James’ trilogy: Fifty Shades of Grey, Fifty Shades Darker and Fifty Shades Freed, sold 35 million print and e-book copies from 2011-2019; yet the underlying topic didn’t bring anything new to that table either.

BDSM has long been selling erotic tales, earning spots on best-seller lists and testing attitudes toward sexuality. The heroine in French author Pauline Reage’s Story of O consented to being whipped and branded more than 50 years before Anastasia Steele signed Christian Grey’s non-disclosure agreement and terms for becoming his submissive in Grey. In the interim, dozens of other erotic romance novels by authors such as Eden Bradley, Sylvia Day and Megan Hart have landed on best-seller lists, too.

So if there is nothing new here, why all the added followers?

It’s been said, much of the success of the trilogy may simply reside in its packaging. “We felt that discreet, tasteful covers certainly would bring in new readers who may not have bought the books with more explicit covers,” Vintage Books spokesman Russell Perreault said.

So perhaps the lack of comment when coming-out as a Boardroom Dominatrix means my packaging is just as discreet. Though I’m widely known for getting results, only some have thanked me specifically for metaphorically whipping their salespeople into shape. Yet it’s exactly what I do.

And, sex sells.

Sex is the ultimate demographic. But sex in business has been a taboo few have broached publicly. Sexual harassment is the workplace buzz-word.


Sexual harassment is BDSM without consent.

A Boardroom Dominatrix dominates without being domineering and shows how to be submissive without being subservient. I use powerful tactics during meetings with peers, management and prospects. I conduct and close business in an open, straightforward and passionate way, getting the results desired while delivering a satisfying, motivational experience along the way.

Male, female, trans, or anywhere on the gender spectrum, if you’d like to learn how to:

– Set the ground rules, negotiate the options, and define the safewords for conducting powerful business meetings that actually increase sales

– Use sex to your advantage without compromising your reputation

– Understand why and how sex works best in business

– Identify what’s missing in any situation and how to evidence it to create a win/win

Then Boardroom Dominatrix Training may be for you.


The next webinar date is May 29th at 1pm. Please email for Zoom link and log in details:


Additional presentations and trainings are also listed here, watch for upcoming dates.

Serving is the New Selling!

Stop selling. Be their expert, and clients will sell themselves. Sales are no longer about aggression and tenacity, now they’re about customer-service and the fit, then, the client will sell them self. If you have the product or service they want, if the fit is there, there is nothing to sell, no need to be aggressive.

Instead, put the focus on revenue generation.

How many new clients do you want this month, this quarter, this year?

How many can you realistically service without compromising quality?

Are you picking your low-hanging fruit, or leaving money on the table?

Are you selling on value and never discounting your rate?

Do you know what an Ideal Client is for you, at the profit margin you desire?

There are five categories for increasing revenues, which should you focus on now vs later?

There are a gazillion ways to market your product or service: social media, videos, ads, newsletters, blogs, etc.? Which are right for your company? Yelp reviews and Twitter aren’t for everyone.

How do your ideal clients want to buy from you? Do you know?

If you are going to let prospects sell themselves, then you need to be where they want you to be, you need to make it as easy as possible for them to work with you, and you need to be customer-service focused. The good news is, it’s easier than you think: Serving is the New Selling!



In the presentation you’ll learn:


Ideal Client Summary Creation

In this workshop we’ll deep dive on how to conduct an Ideal Client Summary, how to use the templated spreadsheet, how to summarize the findings, and how to target more Ideal Clients, easily. I’ll give you the Hot Buttons for each sector and show you how to use them. The resulting spreadsheet is yours to keep, of course. We’ll then match your summary info with the top sectors spending money, so you solicit new prospects ready to buy. We’ll also use the results to create the desired balance between: small clients, bread-and-butter clients, and large, juicy clients. Some companies want a lot more of one than another; you make the decision, I’ll share a strategy that gets results.

Persona Creation

A persona is a fictional character you create that represents different types of clients who might use your service, product, website or brand. Based on the results of your Ideal Client Summary, this workshop will help you recognize that different people have different needs and expectations. When you understand your users’ needs, expectations, behaviors and goals, you have power. How do you want to wield that power, such that, prospects line up and sell themselves? It’s time to outline your top persona and tie it to your sales and marketing strategy. I’ll give you the persona template to use as many times as you like for other personas you also want to target.